Principles of Advertising

Principles of Advertising was the first subject in which we dove into the world of Professional Advertising. Taught by Dr Martin Williams, a memorable, extremely knowledgeable man with decades of industry experience, the subject was focused around analysing the methods of the Advertising Industry and preparing us to enter it.

The subject was contextualised through a focus on a mock advertising campaign for Oporto’s Bondi Burger. Earlier assessments involved forming reports about current performance and competition, developing recommendations for the client, forming a variety of campaign ideas, and finally presenting one of these to the cohort in our first big pitch.

There was a large focus on conducting primary research across Sydney to gather an understanding of current consumer attitudes and behaviours, and using that research to develop a valuable insight.

My solution to the Bondi Burger brief was focused on its ability to satisfy, and work as an object of ‘non-disappointment’ in an otherwise disappointing world. I produced two advertising executions for this pitch, which can be seen below. I’ve also included a transcript of my side of the pitch, to showcase the style in which it was presented.

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“Our proposition formed the basis of our big idea, that Oporto was the full package. To present this, we decided to focus on an unavoidable aspect of life. Disappointment. Quick survey: raise your hand if you’ve been disappointed in the last week by someone, thing or place. The results speak for themselves! As consumers, having an avenue to avoid this frustration would be beautiful! Hence we present, Oporto’s Bondi Burger: A large, cheap and most importantly SATISFYING meal.  In our advertisements, we present the two ideas separately, drawing consumers in through the mutual understanding of failed expectations, then showcasing the solution through the Bondi burger. And alongside this solution, we offer Oporto’s new mantra “Full value, Full Flavour, Fast food.” On social media, we carry over the same presentation of ideas, however, offer a further opportunity of brand interaction, the #BondiBlues. The “fail video” is one of the most commonly shared content pieces online, a representation of misfortune for the amusement of others. #BondiBlues allows customers to add a simple tag to their fail videos, or posts of disappointment, and be entered into a competition in which they can win free Bondi Burgers. Weekly winners, chosen from the pool of submitted content, would be given vouchers to redeem at their local store, and their content shared on Oporto’s page. The hashtag would allow for a regular consumer interaction on social media, and link Oporto’s brand to humour and enjoyment online and in-store.

In designing the creative works for this campaign, we focused on three main pillars: Relevance, Originality and Impact, following advertising legend Bernbach’s framework. From relevance came the idea of Disappointment, an emotion felt by all, Under Originality came the idea of the ‘toy-car’, an uncommon experience that could be understood simply, and Impact brought forward the idea of consumer interaction with #Bondi Blues.

As a result of our research, and based on our discoveries and insights, we believe that this approach will result in maximum advertising reach and effectiveness across owned, shared and paid media. Avoid disappointment. Grab a Bondi Burger today.”


Advertising Campaign Practice


Ecology of Public Communication