Professional Advertising Practice

Professional Advertising Practice was the second-last subject in the degree, and focused on the ethical responsibilities of advertisers and businesses in the public sphere. It covered contemporary issues in advertising, the impact of government and industry-led regulation on communication, and the effects of advertising on consumer audiences. There was also a distinct focus on Indigenous Issues and the effects of representation in the media.

I undertook this subject in the midst of COVID, enjoying all lessons from the comfort -and loneliness - of my own home. I thoroughly missed the human interaction so present in all other advertising subjects, though my classmates and tutor - Malcolm Auld - maintained high spirits throughout the semester. All in all, it was an enjoyable and important subject, that allowed for key insight into the professional considerations one must make when operating as a communication professional.

Assessments were largely focused on theory and as such were largely 2000+ word reports and write-ups. However, it wouldn’t be an advertising subject without a presentation, and the semester finished with a challenging pitch focused on Indigenous Issues. I have included that presentation below, and you’re welcome to request any written work if that is of interest to you.


Integrated Communication


Brand Advertising Strategies